Tuesday, October 7, 2014

BR 2-03: The Hare and the Tortoise (Mairi Mackinnon, 2007)

Tom Turtoise had won- and he didn' t even look out of breath.


I have read about like this story when I was child, and the story title is 'Usagi to kame'. So I thought a person does not carry away, and a person can win if a person does its self.

So, I thought I want to do my best, for example, study and work, sports. And I want to be a like the turtle. Also, I want to be like a person that around people are supported me.

Finally, I want to hear to read my children in the future, and I hope my children to be like the turtle in the story. 

[102 words]


Mairi Mackinon. The Hare and the Tortoise. (2007). New York, America. Usborne House

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