Sunday, April 27, 2014

My favorite foods.

First, I like sweets, for example, chocolate and cake, pudding. They are very good taste, and they make me happy. But I like japanese sweets like better than western sweets, because western sweets too sweet taste. So I am tired of it. I always eat western sweets when I am tired, so I think I am very happy. Japanese sweets are easy to eat, so I can eat many it. Specially, I like a warabi-mochi. It is very easy for me to eat, so when I go to convenience store, I buy it. It is very good taste, so I want to eat it that I go to Kyoto. Because, Kyoto has a lot of very good japanese foods. I hope I make an eating tour someday.

Second, I like a udon. Udon is very plain food, so I like a taste. And it is easy to eat, so I can eat three meals. My friends likes, too, so when we eat out, we usually go to udon shop. So I want to teach me many delicious udon shops.

Third, I like fruits. Specially, I like a strawberry. Strawberry is so good taste and sweet, so it makes me happy. When my birthday, my birthday cake is made many strawberry. It is very good, but it is so expensive. So it cannot eat only my birthday. Strawberry has many types, so I want to eat many types someday. And I want to eat that cake is made many strawberry.

                                                                                                                        (249 words)


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog, because I like foods too. I like seven eleven's warabimochi. It's tastes good. Please tell me your favorite udon shop.

    1. Thank you so much. I like seven eleven' s warabimochi, too! My favorite udon shops are Machikara and Kurodahan.

  2. Your blog is great! And I like sweets too. What is the most favorite sweets?

    1. Thank you so much! I like dorayaki the best.
