Saturday, December 20, 2014

My favorite TV star

My favorite TV star is Arashi, and they are so interesting and cool. So, they are so busy every day. When I was a junior high school student, I became their fan, so I always talk about them with my friends and I watch a lot of Arashi' s DVDs every day. I like Ninomiya Kazunari the best of Arashi, and his image color is yellow. So, I always wear something yellow, and I was so happy. And, Ninomiya Kazunari is a famous acter too, so he appeared 'Iojimakarano-tegami'. His performance is so good, and I impressed so much. Of course, he is good at singing too and making songs. The songs are in Arashi's albums, and I like the songs that he made. Arashi will hold their concert from November 14 to December 23, and I will go to the concert in November 16. I am looking forward to meeting Arashi, and I want to enjoy it.

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